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Black Man with White Confidence


Black man with white confidence black man with white competence black man with white common sense Black man with white consonance Black man on a white continent black man with black consciousness black man with white accomplishments black life like condiments on a white plate with corporate ambiance I think I need to change my audience maybe too much slang in my audio I dream too much about an Audi tho now u see me, then Adios pick a different topic Russ nope, I rather ruffle feathers the audacity of being bold and black especially because I'm a felon I'm best friends wit the best white people my other friends don't understand white people I got white friends that think black is swag ignorance is bliss, imagine that I been living two different lives I been looking with two different eyes both sons half me and white so I'm still scared if they seem them lights pause a moment for tamir rice past traumas, can't sleep at night all I seen I can't unsee I used to never know the magnitude of how I looked from other people looking at me but I had to change my attitude cuz I learned that there are always people looking at me I got a voice, and now I'm trying to use it because if I stay silent then I am useless and theres no difference between white and black but fear keeps us too ignorant from analyzing that - I always been an activist at heart, like a starter kit rebel like I'm Spartacus fingers touch my palm and wrist cuz I only used to ball my fist wasn't much for politics until I seen the parlor tricks then I seen the Moses side, had to find my part in it I was living subsidized, in and out apartments in need of escape so I saw with Harriet Tubman eyes, but conquered by these parliaments life blows had me pulverized, but I'm still defying Parkinsons crack my knuckles, arthritis, damaging my cartilage kill dreams and take my rights, maybe whispered in their caucuses and now I have sons to rise pray they wont be carcasses from the cough of a cops cartridges - Prison made me prejudice but my best friends and support system are mostly white, even my sons mothers but prison made me prejudice try putting a curmudgeon of different crimes, cultures, colors and contain them in one circumference forcing them to be cordial with each other yea prison made prejudice because I not only have to pay attention to materials but physical colors and customs combined with cordoned off corners and coordinated politics enforced with a communal consequence I swear prison made me prejudice because I have to deal with the Mexicans that hate blacks behind their backs, the swastikas on white people worn as tats, the fact that whites and Mexicans have a pact if there's an attack, along with the staff that over reacts to areas with a mass of blacks so its common sense that I can never let my guards down with any confidence on the defensive is my regular state of consciousness separated from society, with an endorsed separation from other cultures entirely, this double jeopardy jeopardized me with consequences of my consequence no lie, I feel prison made me prejudice and even racist at times with the disproportionate time- given, with records that don't qualify that I can visually quantify and seeing all these tattoos scribed with white pride and brown pride but if I venture to study my history and show black pride it seems im outfitted with another crime c.o.'s and administration, I feel as if they have ties with the other sides picking sides because their methods of compromise that somehow always ends up with black peoples demise american history all over again, what a surprise sinister systems synchronized segregation optimized slavery ended, so now prison lives aren't sympathized this is not statistical intel, this is something that you'd have to experience to describe this is my life if I had to pick a word to define I'm institutionalized inside of these institutional lies the things I go thru and witness with my own eyes in the wrong area at the wrong time it would've costed my life because everyone has a home they wanna get back to or this is their home so situations can quickly turn into me myself and I these sides that are coerced to keep the prison running smoothly would say a few lives over many for the sake of control is a necessary sacrifice yea I'm prejudice its the only way I can survive because in here when u look at me you starring at more than the color of my eyes its better to be handicap then blind besides trauma, losses, drama along with the many connotations subscribed, add a necessary prejudice and partial racism to the list of my titles after doing this time on the bottom line because I've lived as less of a person and more a subject subjected to bottom lines ever since prison industries became private and monetized and the healthcare commoditized yea prison changes, it changed me it infected my disconnection with gangrene so all those things I had to cut off only served to further chain me maybe more people should see that certain consequences perpetuate added consequences and they'd be more apt to change things and less quicker to cage me on a personal note, I still know more than a few good white people though prison has me seeing them as white people but I have black friends with different views because the truth is they never understood or seen good white people so feel free to judge, but steer clear if we judge u back prison changed and made me prejudice, socially I may be worse off, now imagine that


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