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Cast Away

Preyed upon by light I pray for darkness a grim body cast shielding my skin from the eyeing rays of exposure to which I fought my whole...

You Don't Know

You don't know what it took for me, to not be the man you don't see then to be the man that u see you don't know what I had to go thru,...

In Your Own Way

It's hard to live a dream when comfort what you reaching for its hard to know love when all you know is keeping score its hard to see the...

Give, receive

Compassion goes a long way empathy is too hard though when you're too busy feeling for yourself you can't feel nobody else though..

Looking Down

Damn... it's a sad life for a caterpillar I wonder what he sees when he looks up at the butterflies I wonder what he thinks crawling...

Your way

You never know what ain't enough, til it ain't enough you never know that pain is love, until your pain is love because you love your...

Self Love

Your past says not to trust him you've seen a halo under horns but u don't see the world how you used to you embrace the flower with its...

Sleeping Away

Sleep is like treading the darkest abyss where shadows have bodies, and nightmares exist feeling blood from my wrist it flows like the...

Black Man with White Confidence

Black man with white confidence black man with white competence black man with white common sense Black man with white consonance Black...

I'm Just Being Honest

I'm just being honest tho honestly all honesty isn't truth its just what I see from my point of view its just things I tend to make up...

Live Yours

We all crave to be on top instead of below or on the side which we deem as a consequence but every topping is still a side, like...

Josiah and Treyvan

I got two sons, that shine on me like I'm under two suns as they shine on me and I cast one helluva shadow learning to keep my sons close...

In This Jungle

There are lions in this jungle dogs, snakes, alphas, apex predators, gorillas titans and hybrids in this jungle coded consensus, since...

Escape into prison

Could I dream that I escaped into prison? its how I feel every time you don't listen could I dream that I escaped into prison? its not...

What is a flower?

A symbol of love, an expression of love's beauty, an offering and gift of love's promise, a present picked for that love...hmm, what do...

Why is believing in self so hard?

Why is believing in self so hard? people seem scared of the responsibility of choice I mean that kind of choice where there are...

Right or Wrong

I'm right that you're wrong you're right that I'm wrong? I'm wrong if you're right?! you damn right that you're wrong!... hold on, maybe...

Can't Help It

I can't help it if I look at you, when I look at you, sneaking looks at you, gahh, I can't help it! we can't help who we meet where we...

I'm Dynamite plus a Diamond

I'm dynamite plus a diamond inside but I'm dying inside my insides feel like a pilot taking a dive from the sky I'm surprised that my...


Russell who are you? what does that even mean, who am I? answering that question sometimes is as weird and uncomfortable as asking it you...

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