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In This Jungle

There are lions in this jungle dogs, snakes, alphas, apex predators, gorillas titans and hybrids in this jungle coded consensus, since senses are heightened in this jungle there's no crying in this jungle there are liars but don't be caught lying in this jungle you can't close your eyes, they better not see your eyelids in this jungle they hunting, they coming, they lunging for lunches you can't run, the chase is fun, don't be caught by surprise in this jungle you can't be nice, that's too high a price, no rolling the dice in this jungle there's even cats, rats, and mice in this struggle, trying to get a slice in this jungle riots defiant alliances tied to vices and violence fighting despite the time spent, shhh, is the code of silence in this jungle there's no violin in this jungle you cant hide in this jungle there's even alotta pride inside because daylight looks like night and you can't see how to get to the other side from this jungle there's even solitary tunnels where misery funnels in this jungle some men try but some men die, strength you summon, comes in, no abundance but bundles in every size in this jungle you may get life or lose your life in this jungle survival in the wild, despite your will, wield you a knife in this jungle before you get left, protect your right, you're wrong even if you're right, so you can't try to be right in this jungle debates are preludes to cage fights, verbal mental and physical displays of might in this jungle religion is a cop out, and if you ever show emotion...goodbye, goodnight in this jungle my only respite is when I write in this jungle hope I can catch up to my letters and see you on the other side of this jungle

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