There are so many disciplines, ancient wisdoms and proverbs, teachings, and religions that speak to how much more we can become and aspire to be, the higher levels of internal manifestations...even in the bible, which I may butcher, I believe Jesus said, "these works I do, you can do, and even greater, with just the faith of a mustard seed". So it all comes to what do you believe, and how much do you believe it? Then, how influential, either to your detriment or benefit, are those beliefs? Sometimes, with me at least, it starts with simply breaking things down and reconstructing the frame work or meaning of those beliefs and the words associated. How can we aspire to be so much more, when we reflect in the murky puddles of our low moments so much, and aren't told that we are in fact, better than our BEST moments. Who says that? Who consistently implants in you that you can do even better? No, we for the most part get told that we need to do that over a long period of time, or made to remember how long ago it was that we did something great. It seems that reinforcement stops after our childhood. So lets challenge those beliefs, so you will not only succumb to the vision of being your worst moment, but also that you can aspire to be greater than your best moment, however that looks. Sometimes we do things that we didn't know that we had in us, whether good or bad, so isn't it right to think that even at your best that there is even better that you may not realize? What more is there to life if we stop learning, aspiring, dreaming, believing, capturing, and evolving? Growth doesn't stop, it may at a physical level, but not an internal- mental emotional and spiritual level. You are better than your BEST, and I'm beyond my worst. Believe that!
Limiting beliefs: