I'm in the sunken place nothing to do but reach for reality I'm in the sunken place slowly sinking deeper from freedom I'm in the sunken place drowning in my own contemplation I'm in the sunken place falling lower than the drops of my tears I'm in the sunken place watching the torture of regrets replay in my mind I'm in the sunken place watched by my loved ones as if its too late for me...is it? sinking falling fell under my dreams beneath all light below all hope deeper than dirt fallen man fallen angel I'm in the sunken place feels like I run in place writing of love and hate numb reflecting from dumb mistakes until my sons faces take shape but I can't hear what my sons say I'm too far away!?! wait! don't go, stay! how do I get out of this place?!! before its...too late I may never escape this sunken place
Sunken Place