Let's take a chance on this titanic even tho its a sinking ship, I'm a hopeless romantic plus we shouldn't over think our possible ending, let's be organic its to our benefit to see things better than they appear, we'll ad to this vantage, for our own advantage I call a few times, she doesn't answer shh, voices, Russell don't panic maybe she sleepin and doesn't see it quick, come up with a dozen reasons to try and ignore that my stomach is seizing self consciousness is so misleading calm your thoughts, control your breathing on this brisk summer evening amongst the sun and the breezes although the weather feels to fair to wonder if someone is cheating let go of that heart that u wear under ur sleeve and leave it to the seamstress maybe she'll message me later, or maybe not...plucking petals love comes with a dozen levels those moments u call out, and u aren't heard but hear a hundred echoes there goes those voices, they're far from helpful let go or, should I voice my thoughts but at what cost not all honesty is truth so the way some things come across may accelerate the loss ugh I'm at a loss what do I do trying to play it cool may only prolong me feeling like a fool ...in the end damn it I thought I said we shouldn't over think our possible ending but fears come to light when you live in the shadow of foreshadowing I try to weather my own forecast that forms forks in the road consuming half-hearted whichever direction I take errrrr press the brakes shit! too late gulp that sour pride with the sugarry brim that blinds the truth for the moment until you swallow hard, divorcing the responsibility of when men mess up because we still call it a miss-take she was just out of signal, out of range that text was confirmed sent the same time you couldn't cancel the one that you sent reading while wishing you weren't lucid feeling so stupid when we embrace self doubt, thoughts can turn maleficent the whole time you were assuming, she was thinking of you and had been trying to get ahold of you ever since the time stamp you read guiltily is her innocent evidence yea, she took a chance on that titanic she just didn't know that the ship would be sunken by a hopeless romantic she said goodbye, jack!