You broke my heart without mercy you plunged your hand straight through my chest then made a fist squeezing my heart forcing blood to gush through my veins while you viciously pulled your arm back ripping my heart from its stronghold then you grasped it with both hands starring at it without any hint of emotion then with a feigned smirk you broke it in half! All at once, snapping its arteries in two destroying its ventricles without a second thought separating its chambers from their adjacent neighboring comforts- as if now each are in their own isolated prison and still my heart beats in your hands evermore at the eve of my destruction in the midst of my ending, pitifully, my only thought is at least it's by you I can't help but to love you still the heart wants, what the heart wants foolishly, I thought I had control after all, it's my heart! dying in your arms "remember me" "I died for your love" my last words- breezing right through your mind and ears yet you were unphased apathetically you went on and I stayed there where you dropped me then left me frozen. forgotten. extinct.