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Wine Philosophy


If you have a person from prison coming home, I'm a say this once, you heard it here, get them into drinking Wine! Its a lifestyle change, no, evolution so to speak, a WayOfLife-style Evolution. See, its more then the pinky flip, glass tip then sip action, its the in between, that changes and evolves your lifestyles. When you inhale the aura of the spirits refined in that glass, when you swirl around its essence, and take in its ambiance, becoming an extension of whats inside that glass, you too become fluid, smooth, crisp, peaceful, patient and exuberant. See, sipping Wine is an attitude, it takes patience to make Wine, the greater the patience, the greater the Wine. We take on the energy of that Wine or enhance what was inside of ourselves at that moment. This is so crucial because when sipping Wine, you become conscious of your internal and external environment, you see the art and beauty of life and the world, you become dapper and a tad bit bougie. No one who sips Wine, downspirals in behaviors, because Wine isn't a drunkmans drink, its a refined person's elixir. No one woke up committing crimes after passing out from Wine, but if you drink liquor, you need to be cautious of the energy you have. Its not about abstaining from liquor, but limiting it to a time a week, whereas Wine, oh you Sweet Sweet Wine, can be indulged responsibly, daily. The biggest thing is, there's a different crowd you are surrounded by when sipping Wine vs drinking Liquor. Wine, is no criminals drink, Wine has a way of hypnotizing you, taking you from a painful reality while liquor has a way of enhancing that painful reality. Liquor can have you maximizing that potential for that downward spiral with bad crowds. Recidivism- make Wine, Your WayOfLife-Style! A sipper, is never a drunk, and a drunk, should've sipped. When we listen to our bodies, we pay attention to our surroundings, I mean you just cant make this stuff up! I don't usually drink but when I do, I sip, stay Refined my friends!

You, be strong: be strong no! shut up and feel what I feel face what I face put yourself in my shoes then, sink like me now, you be strong!


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