I got a chest x ray today first time the best part was I saw my heart! where it rested and hid thriving behind my thick ass chest bone! this fragile thing we feel with love with live with live because live because of right there, peeking from behind my thick ass sternum! hanging like a mistletoe barely given a second thought til matters of feeling, then invoked religiously though is not life, love? in awe this heart hovering behind the scenes of my thick ass sternum bone! as if in mid swing on a pendulum at that moment I felt mortal more real and actually alive the fragility of mortality.. this great conductor of my life's cadence can't tell me life isn't music I've never missed a beat what surprised me even more was my heart was actually there so I'm not heartless and had no old hang ups nor signs of frost fooled me! so much for cliches speaking of X rays they show blaring yet subtle truths the shallowness of skin, to the point of being see thru but our heart- too dense and deep to be transparent X rays show what matters beneath the surface