(your call was not accepted...) It's not my voice you denied It's my presence you refuse to see me you refuse to see me in the light of my truth and rather visit the idea of me within the darkness of your beliefs for some reason "you need people like me!" because life is more comfortable for you where I am the bad guy and you are the helpless innocent victim crudely attacked by my being it seems, for me to live- you could never know happiness but if I died you still wouldn't find peace in your blaming and hatred for while I'm in front of you, distantly stowed away you revel in deflection and target practice I have the dart wounds to prove it and somehow your pedestal has risen above the clouds as if fault never found its way to you as if it's been an ill-fated virus that only you have escaped I see your ploy! you get off being a killjoy you get off by keeping me null and void you get off by pressing avoid you get off by my depression listening to the rejection of an android you get off by keeping me as a decoy you get off from keeping me from my boy you get off from treating me like a toy around for your convenience, dismissed as soon as you get board focused on controlling a new colorful object that you can afford and it stays quiet, absorbs being wronged, and it doesn't talk back it's a punching bag, perfect match, imagine that standing up for myself doesn't mean it's an attack on you unless you're like most and feel attacked by truth why listen to a description that's attached to the past speaking of yesterdays arise from fears of tomorrow coming too fast hmm, what does life look like when everyone is changing but yourself stuck in your shell, wishing you were somewhere else, or just someone else and now I've become the blame for everything before and after me but if I was so bad, why did you add another reason to be mad, after me it's hard to live while being uptight yea you refuse to see me, because inside, I don't allow you to forget what You look like and I may be punished by speaking my truth but I'm already in prison and I've done hole time for less, so I'm not afraid of being punished by you
You refuse to see me