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Let's Be Real

Feel free to take offense, because I do daily, though I'm borderline numbed to the fact because this is my life. What am I speaking...


I used to think that you either just make it out or that you survive prison, if you're fortunate to have an out date and arrive at...

Don't Blink

I seen it all like my mirror don't blink I think my eyelids are an island that "sinked" I think I I'm drowning, am I lost at sea? I live...

Stop Running

Russell stop running from all of those voices that's paranoia those are your choices I know when you're swallowing pride- it hits your...


Jenga chip away at my foundation I'm still hanging- in there, you see these fingers? I put in work I'm invested, I put in first...

Keeping Up Appearances

As per the 13th Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, because I am in prison, I am legally a slave, so slavery Never ended, it just evolved...


I love to live I live to love live I love love I live and, 'I' must love, to live, although- I can live, without love, yet 'I' can't!...


there I was I Just did, just because I Just, believed what ever was I Just, felt what I was supposed to feel I Just, heard what was told...

The sky WAS grey

The sky always looked grey to me, the sky was ugly it wasn't blue, I was I never got the hype couldn't conceive the reason for wings...

One, in the same

Do you see me world? do you see what I go thru, just to live, and be a part of you just to be accepted and loved do you hear my screams...


What if more politicians ACTUALLY looked like everyday Americans? You know, struggled with bills, maybe had a view questionable...


He loves when I flex bragging how strong his Daddy is I tell him he'll be way stronger than me one day! but for now, "I am SuperMan!" he...


I smiled so big I met him over 6 years ago we shared pictures but I never seen it up close so tough and guarded til then I saw him being...

Mirror Me

If you only knew what I thought but I thought you knew you said you did you didn't, I should've knew..or known you were so far from right...

Tomorrow, yesterday

Too many have had her too many have her he'll never have her all to himself but he is much closer to her, than I it's okay though I'm not...

Sunken Place

I'm in the sunken place nothing to do but reach for reality I'm in the sunken place slowly sinking deeper from freedom I'm in the sunken...


You broke my heart without mercy you plunged your hand straight through my chest then made a fist squeezing my heart forcing blood to...


emotions, never meant to control us only for experiencing the world we shouldn't be handicapped by the very tool meant to help us take in...

A Toast

There's enough hate going on so I spill champagne over glass flutes then raise them like my ambitions; celebrating those that arrive at...

Freedom Ain't Cheap

fair isn't free and free isn't equal and equal ain't cheap and cheap is my people so my people ain't free and free isn't legal because...

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